5 Best WordPress AMP Plugins

AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages enhance the browsing experience of mobile users. Since, the mobile devices have become prevalent and more and more people using their mobile devices to browse the internet, making sure your WordPress website is mobile-friendly is a must. WordPress AMP plugin helps you make your website mobile friendly and load it faster along with improving search Read more…

6 Best WordPress Poll Plugins

Are you looking for the best way to boost user engagement and participation on your WordPress website? Do you want to know what users think about the content on your website and what they would like to read about next? If your answer is yes, then you are at right place. WordPress poll plugin is one of the best ways Read more…

6 Best WordPress Testimonial Plugins

Are you looking for a testimonial plugin to boost your concersion? Testimonial is a kind of social proof for your website that defines the quality of the content and ultimately attract the readers. In this article, we are going to share the best testimonial plugins for WordPress site. Why do you need a testimonial plugin in WordPress site? WordPress Testimonial Read more…

5 Best Free User Role WordPress Plugins

If you are running a large website with multiple kinds of users, such as authors, editors, subscribers, and more, you definitely need a user role plugin to manage user roles and their capabilities. This is because WordPress doesn’t come with many choices for user management by default. In this article, we will go through the 5 best WordPress user role Read more…

5 Best WordPress Forum Plugins

If you are running a website, then you should know how important it is to engage with your audience. One of the approaches you can take is to use forums on your site. Developing a forum from scratch can be a daunting task. But, not if you are using WordPress because of WordPress forum plugin. Developing a community is one Read more…

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