Do you want to create custom post types or custom taxonomies in your WordPress site? If yes, you are in the right place. In this article, we will go through how to create custom post types and custom taxomomies in WordPress site.

What are custom post types and custom taxonomies?

A fresh installation of WordPress comes with some default post types and they are – Posts, Pages, Menu Items, Attachments, Links, etc. Apart from these default post types, WordPress also allows you to add the content in your desired way. This custom content type is called ‘Custom Post Types.’  These custom post types can be added either by WordPress custom post types plugin or by writing codes manually.

However, WordPress has made it easy to add custom post type with plugins. Custom post type plugin helps you to add several additional information that default post types in WP are missing. Apart from that it also makes your WordPress site look more exclusive and user-friendly.

Talking about taxonomies, it allows you to manage and organize the content, be it custom post types or default posts, of your website which ultimately helps you to rank higher in search results and provide your site visitors with the best user experience possible.

Simple taxonomy on WordPress allows you to organize your content by creating categories and tags so you can categorize your content and make it easier for web crawlers to rank websites and your audience to find important content.

Like WordPress custom post types plugins, there are also custom taxonomies plugins are available for WordPress. It allows you to add custom content on your website which is not included in WordPress by default.

Create custom post types in WordPress

Custom post type UI

First thing you need to do is install and activate Custom Post Type UI plugin. For more details, please see our step by step guide on how to install WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go to WordPress admin navigation menu and CPT UI > Add/Edit Post Types. From here, you can add a new post type or edit existings post type.

You have to provide the information of new post type, such as Post Type Slug, Plural Label, Singular Label.

Since every field has a detailed decription, so you shouldn’t fill them out incorrectly. Here is an example:

  • Post Type Slug: movie
  • Plural Label: Movies
  • Singular Label: Movie
Add/Edit Post Types

Then click on Add Post Type button.

After that you will see Movie custom post type listed in the admin navigation menu.

Movie: custom post type

Create custom taxonomies in WordPress

Head over to WordPress admin navigation menu and CPT UI > Add/Edit Taxonomies. Once clicking on it, you are redirected to Add/Edit Taxonomies page.

You need to enter the required information for adding a taxonomy.

By default, WordPress comes with the standard categories and tags in posts. So we will create a custom taxonomy for custom post type, Movie in this tutorial.

For example, here is my input:

  • Taxonomy Slug: actor
  • Plural Label: Actors
  • Singular Label: Actor
  • Attach to Post Type: Movies
Attach to Post Type

At last, click on Add Taxonomy button and it’s done.

After that, you will find the new taxonomy in Movie of WordPress admin navigation bar.

Actors: cutome taxonomies

Wrapping up

Custom post type is a great way to add custom content to your WordPress site with your desired way. Which plugin do you use to create custom post types in your WordPress site? Comment below and let us know.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create custom post types in WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on how to remove website URL field from WordPress comment form.


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