If you are thinking about adding WordPress custom post types and custom taxonomies without coding, you can utilize custom post types plugin. Here are five best custom post types and custom taxonomies plugins you can add in your WordPress site.

5 best custom post type and custom taxonomies plugins for WordPress site

1. Custom Post Type UI

Custom Post Type UI plugin

Custom Post Type UI by WebDevStudios, with seven hundred thousand downloads, tops the list. It allows you to register and manage custom post types and taxonomies for your website. CPTUI provides a platform to its users that allows them to create custom post types.

However, custom post type UI doesn’t allow you to display the data of the content you created. To do that, you will have to use another plugin called Custom Post Type UI Extended, the advanced version of CPTUI.

Key features worth mentioning:

  • Registering and managing custom post types and custom taxonomies
  • Custom Post Type UI Extended to display custom information
  • Rich GitHub repository

If you want to add custom post types with CPTUI in your site, please see our guide on how to create custom post types in WordPress.

2. Pods – Custom Content Type and Fields

Pods - Custom content types and fields

Pods is a one-stop solution for all your WordPress custom post types and custom taxonomies. It allows you to create and edit custom post types, custom taxonomies, fields and extend default WordPress post types.

That’s not all! You can even display your custom content easily whether you are using shortcodes, widgets, the code-free Pods Template approach, or use standard PHP in WordPress Theme templates and functions. Further, Pods allows you to related your custom post types with any other post types logically and conveniently.

With Pods, you can create custom post types, taxonomies, settings page, and advanced content types and can even extend existing pages, post types, taxonomies, media, users, comments, etc. Further, you can add custom fields such as date, time, relations, avatars, text, and whatever you can think of.

Key features of Pods:

  • Create custom post type and taxonomies
  • Extend existing post types, taxonomies, media, text, comment, etc
  • Add custom fields, such as data, time, attachment, sidebars, posts, comments, etc
  • Easily display your content
  • Customized management panel to develop custom and user-friendly UI
  • Optional element to do more

You can even import Custom Field Suite, Advanced Custom Fields, and Custom Tables from Custom Post Type UI/ CPYUI.

3. Custom Post Type Maker

Custom Post Type Maker

Customer Post Type Maker, the third contender in our list, is a simple yet very powerful WordPress custom post type and custom taxonomy plugin for your website.

The plugin allows you to create custom post types and custom taxonomies easily and conveniently, likewise, you manage and edit your regular posts and pages. Apart from that, it is highly compatible with the WordPress API that brings great stability and improves the performance of your website.

Exclusive features of Custom Post Type Maker:

  • Create custom post type and taxonomies without the need of writing any code
  • Easy to use interface to manage all your registered custom post type and taxonomies
  • Display custom content in your desired way.
  • Manage custom post type icon with WordPress media uploader

4. Custom Post Type and Custom Fields Creator – WCK

WCK - Custom post type plugin

Comprised of three individual tools, WordPress Creation Kit is fourth-best WordPress custom post type plugin in our list. WCK allows the website owners to create and maintain custom post types, custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and meta boxes for your posts, pages or CPT’s.

WCK Custom Fields Creator, one of three tools, allows the users to create custom meta boxes with custom fields for your posts, pages or custom post types.

The second tool, WCK Taxonomy Creator, lets you display the created custom content by creating and editing taxonomies without requiring any programming background.  

WCK Custom Post Type Creator, the third and last tool, provides you a platform/UI to create custom post types.

Key features of WCK:

  • Create and edit custom post type and taxonomies
  • Easily create and edit custom fields types
  • Drag and drop option to sort repeated taxonomies and custom post types
  • All-in-one solution for all your custom post types and taxonomies
  • Supported by Wordress media uploader

5. MB Custom Post Type

MB Custom Post Type plugin

The fifth and last WordPress custom post type plugin in our list is MB custom post type. It allows you to turn your WordPress admin into world-class professional Content Management Systems.

MB custom post type allows you to create and manage custom post types and custom taxonomies easily and conveniently in WordPress by providing an easy-to-use interface in the admin area. You can do almost everything without writing a single line code.

Key features:

  • Easily create and manage custom post type and custom taxonomies
  • Highly customizable and flexible
  • Export PHP codes for customization
  • Support all arguments for Custom post type and taxonomies
  • Functionality to import and export custom post types

Wrapping up

Having the best WordPress custom post types plugin and custom taxonomy plugin allows you to organize and manage the custom post types easily and conveniently and help you to expose your best content to your audience.

You will have to no more write custom codes to create custom post types and taxonomies with these five best WordPress custom post types plugins.

I hope this article helped you find a perfect custom post type plugin for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our list for five best WordPress popular posts plugins.


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